Hudson Department of Youth
What do we offer?
At the Hudson Department of Youth we serve a wide range of our community’s youth starting from age 5 and leading to adulthood. Through our programming we help our participants develop better social skills, become leaders, gain greater knowledge of themselves, and foster lifelong relationships. Families looking to find meaningful, culturally informed and potentially transformative youth programs will find that at the Department of Youth. The department offers many different opportunites to engage in programming, from our afterschool programs to Oakdale Summer camp, our Bike Coop and our many differeny community events and trips. Activities include art, circus, dancing and movement, singing, audio/visual skills, athletics and more. Our programming aims to point young people towards activities that are not only fun but also offer opportunities to develop skills, passions and abilities that will last a lifetime.
Research suggest the following 5 Promises change kid’s lives: Youth programs play an important role in keeping these promises to our kids.
Caring adults
Safe places
A healthy start
Effective education
Opportunities to help others.
What Makes our youth programs Effective?
Our youth programming focuses on developing resilience, self-awareness, and resourcefulness. We want our participants to learn how to navigate through all stages of their life.
We create and provide programming that promotes competency building, social skills, life skills, academic improvement, community development, social justice and restorative practices. We work with our students and their families to find and develop programming that will be meaningful to our participants.
about our programming
The Hudson Youth Center is open for afterschool programming from September to June, and our summer camp at Oakdale Park runs for 6 weeks in July and August. With so many different activities and opportunities, we offer a fun and safe space for the next generation! The space is designed to empower our youth and young adults and inspire them to become their greatest selves.
Fall, Winter, Spring
Through out the year, while school is in session the Hudson Youth Center provides quality after school program from 3pm up until 9pm to youth between the age of 5yrs, and 19yrs. To learn more what we offer during Fall, Winter, and Spring sessions click here.
Programing Hours:
5yrs - 12yrs : Monday - Friday, 3pm - 6pm
13yrs-18yrs: Monday - Friday, 6:30pm - 9pm
During Summer, we provide quality programing that runs while school is not in session. The Oakdale lake, and park are the main station of operations. This vibrant, and beautiful nook beside the city is a hub for many summer activities. Traditionally our programs have been centered around serving youth between the age groups of 5yrs-12yrs. However our Skate Park, and Basketball court has greatly appreciated by Hudson’s pre-teens, and teens. To learn more about our summer camp please click here.