register for afterschool programming 2024-25 - GRADES K-2
Afterschool programming for students grade K-2 will be provided at the Episcopal Church at 431 Union this year. Programming goes from 3pm - 5:30pm. All students are offered homeork help, a snack and a meal each day, along with the opportunity to particpate in a variety of programming. To register, click here.
register for afterschool programming 2024-25 - GRADES 3-8
Afterschool programming at the Youth Center is for students grades 3-8. Programming goes from 3pm - 5:30pm. All students are offered homeork help, a snack and a meal each day, along with the opportunity to particpate in a variety of programming. To register, click here.
Register for teen programming 2024-2025
Teen programming is offered weeknights during the school year from 6:30-9:30, and is offered to youth grades 8-12. Participants are provided with a snack and a meal, as well as the option to use our basketball court, recording space, video game system, or hang out in our game room. To register, click here.
Register for Youth department sports leagues
The Department of Youth offers a fall soccer program and a winter basketball program. Click here to learn more
Register for Oakdale Summer camp - REGISTRATION FOR camp 2025 WILL OPEN IN FEBRUARY 2025
Oakdale Summer Camp is available to youth ages 5 - 13 and runs for 6 weeks and our 2024 camp will run from July 8th to August 16th. Registration will be open until May 31, 2024. There will be no late registration this year. Camp is on a first come, first serve basis, and we each age group will have a cap on campers addmited that is based on their age, the ratio we need to keep, and how frequently or infrequently each camper plans on attending. As age groups reach capacity they will be taken off the registration form. If you have any questions, please contact us at 518-828-0017 or